Question #1: One advantage is that you can make a slight change to the perameter and it will apply to the entire code where you use the perameter. Also, perameters make coding easier to understand by not having masses of confusing blocks.
Question #2: Perameters are number imputs that allows you to define a block. Perameters are similar to variables and is connected to a specific block of code.
Question #3: The distance formula requires a perameter.
Question #4: For example, if something is touching the edge, you do not need a number value. Rather, touching the edge is a sensor.
Question #5: In order to find the alpha order of the list, the code takes the name, insert the name into the list, then reorders the list in order to get alpha order, and finally continues to get names until the task is complete. These blocks make this easier to understand because the perameters are labeled with their functions.