Lab #2 Scrath
Click Here for Problem #1
Click Here for Problem #2
Question #1 (Loops) The type of loops are forever loop, repeat for a certain amount of times, repeat until something else happens, and repeat if something else happens.
Question #2 (No End in Sight) The repeat until something else happens so then their project can be timed perfectly.
Question #3 (Forever Loops) NO, this loop does not work the way the creater wants it to because after saying "forever loop!" the next command to say "forever and ever" will repeat forever and it will never say "forever loop!" ever again.
Question #4 (Sprite Communication) Yes, you need an event command. For example, when the green flag, space bar, or letter key is pushed, the sprite will begin an action. Also, it could be when the background switches or the volume gets louder.
Question #5 (Conditionals) Yes, the loops are equivalent because in case #1, if the space bar is pressed then it will read the message, and if any other key is pressed then it will change to the next costume. Likely, in case #2, if the space bar isn't pressed (meaning anyother key is pressed), the costume will change, and if the spacebar is pressed then it will read the message.