Web Development #2

Famous Monsters by Birth Year
Famous Monster Birth Year
King Kong 1933
Dracula 1897
Bride of Frankenstein 1944
My Friend's Favorite Classes
Friend Favorite Class
ASmurf Intro to Comp

List of my favorite things

  1. Raindrops on roses
  2. Whiskers on kittens
  3. Bright copper kettles
  4. Warm woolen mittens

Some Random thoughts

1. A server is a bunch of computors that manage computor data at a centralized source. It is different from a computor because a servor is a huge hard drive and a storage unit.
2. table, th, tr, td
3. Embed a video within a site or another website within a website.
4. the a tag defines a hyperlink, which allows you to link from one page to another.
5. The tr tag defines a table row.
6. I found a web development company that costs $70/hr. A small website takes 1-2 months to create. The website where I found my data was Iowa State University Web Development.

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